Buddy Bear inspects the fresh bed linen
He is waiting on his pillow -
My arm.
He gets very vocal about me dragging around
when I should be in bed
Tegar spending the afternoon watching TV
He loves the Soaps .....
sleeps in front of them a lot
but his second favorite sleeping place,
after my chair in the dining room,
is up here on the tower -
when he can run brother Rowdy off
It IS Rowdy's tower after all
Outside on the Cat Porch (car port)
Princess decides to amble back to the boudoir (laundry room)
for a snack and a drink
This one loves her food
having eaten earlier, Smokey,
the Might Huntress sees movement -
something stirring in the flower bed
birds just don't trust her
Rowdy and the Bear hunt for other things
the Bear wants a square of sheet to curl on
Rowdy wants his Mom's yarn -
All of it
With all the others previously occupied
MikiCato romps in his computer room
this is his favorite pose.
We (me.myself/I) call it
Basement/Ceiling/Monorail Cat
He does it so well.
So, there you have another last minute prepared offering. We shall call it A Last Minute Prepared Offering. Like that? Might as well, 'cause that's all folks.
Y'all come see us when you can. Lisa, the boys and girls, and of course, I/me, hope you enjoy the Blathers. Actually, Miss Lisa never sees them until she does her daily browse of the Cat's World properties on the WWW. But she will tell you her side, trust me. She tells me regularly.
As always, I feel loved.
Later .....
ReplyDeleteThankyou for coming by our blog :) It is nice to meet you.
We are so impressed with MikiCato's balancing act! Wow!
I love the pics!
ReplyDeleteI stop in and read when I can
ReplyDeleteThanks all of you for visiting here. I'm beginning to believe we are not alone anymore. Well, can't blame folks for not stopping in especially when the host deserts the place for problems in RL.
ReplyDeleteBuddy and the clowder are all crowded around this morning, not sure what they are more interested in, the comments here or the birds pecking at the window and the empty feeder. Rain today so the eve of the roof makes the empty feeder look very inviting to the homebirdies.
Y'all come when you can.
Miki said "Meowrh!" (I'm supposed to get off the computer and scritch him.)
Wonderful array of photos of your precious cats. The last one was a good one.
ReplyDeleteI love the 2x4 idea! (I wonder if we could do that...)
ReplyDeleteand btw -- I had to change my password again. That's the problem with my google account and this forum -- it 'forgets' my password and I have to start all over again. It does get old.
ReplyDeleteI missed Stephanie's last post. Sorry Hon. I love that one too. My Lap robe loves it up there. He may be 'Basement Cat' looking but he is definitely 'Ceiling Cat' acting by choice. :^)
ReplyDeleteWillow, are you sure it's Blogspot that forgets your password? :^) Remember accidental possible spaces before and after the PW. Sometimes, when I have to sign in manually I hit the space bar before or after the PW. It just don't work.
Just a thought .....
As to the 2x4, it is really no problem. Just as long as it is securely attached at both ends. One going from floor to the top of a bookcase or an overhead shelf or such placed up against the wall is a fun 'ramp' for them. Your imagination .... and your acceptance of the little ones taking over the decoration of the house. Painting the walkways works. Just use paint that is safe for the little ones.