Names? I have numerous,
and faces; more than a few
And, as for my friends;
I would like you to be one too!
I am called Roy Sr, Pop,
The Wiz, and the SgtMajor you see!
And I answer to The Wizard.
Sgt.Pop, KnightOwl and Buddy Bear I be:
But for all the names I use
There's none I would rather be
Than a close, happy, and treasured
Cyber-friend to all of Ye.
~Roy York, Sr~

Join us. You may call me the Knight Owl, and join me at our favorite hangout, Buddy Bear's Cats' World Web Site. Or, if you prefer, join me at my Community of Forums HERE!

For forum fun for everyone (including the Beans), you can join Buddy and the whole clowder at our relatively new Buddy Bear's Cats' World's Community Forums. Register and enjoy. Start your own Forum or just enjoy the camaraderie of the place. It's Free, and totally Cat safe.

A little something to keep in mind while you are communicating on our sites.
Rules as they were, but it's only on-line courtesy after all.
Four words alien to me!
They are not allowed
in here to be.
So take your strife,
jealousy, spite and hate
and leave them stay
Just outside our gate.
Enter our worlds gracefully
and have good cheer!
Take seat and enjoy
While you are here.
~Roy York, Sr~


Y'all come see us sometime. Its all free and lots of fun.