Sunday, July 19, 2009

One of Ours .....

I thought I would slip this one in, since I missed posting the Caturday picture 'till this morning.

This one is fresh taken yesterday. The little lady was in a posing mood and, since I was trying out the new camera, we decided to do this one .....

Smokey is one of the little 'outside kitties', the first of two that walked onto the Cat Porch one day, accepted some scritches, a bit of lap time, then a bowl of crunchies and a bowl of water. She left and we didn't see her for over a week. I thought she was just a passing neighbor kitty out for a stroll.

Then one evening, about a week later, she came limping across the yard Meowring for me. Her left front paw had been broken. I quickly got out the food and water, and since it was cold outside, made her a warm box/nest/bed in the corner of the Cat Porch. I sat down to spend some time with her.

Four years later we're still spending time together.

Spooky, Smokey's Sissypurr, from their last home, showed up a day after she did, bag and baggage. They now own the laundry room and the Cat Porch.

Oh, and naturally they own the hearts of everyone at Five Oaks Manor, their forever home, hidden deep in the wilds of South Woods, NE MS, USA.

Her name is Smokey, her game is to get all the head scratch and snuggles before Spooky does.


  1. What a sweet girl. She sure walked onto the right porch!

  2. Thanks for that Barbara. We're so happy she did.


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